Saturday, January 27, 2018

So What's the Deal With This?

I decided to start putting some of the work that I have done outside of game design and writing up also. 

I have mixed feelings about most of it. 

A good bit of it is quite old work, and I have learned a bit since then, as well as changed my stylistic preferences in how I do illustration. 

I also have begun doing more sculptural work in recent times, so that is a process that is continuing to evolve.

I wish I had taken a lot more pix of the dragon skull... but I did not.  I don't have any final pictures.  It had a fully functional jaw.  I don't have it anymore, but it is a wearable piece big enough to eat a child.

Anyway, it is all kind of a dump.  Maybe I will go back to elaborate on individual pictures later... maybe not.

Costume Design: Taming of the Shrew 3

Costume Designs: Taming of the Shrew 2

Costume Designs: Taming of the Shrew

Giant Hands

The Sorn

Sculpting Projects

Detail Work

Light and Dark: Mostly Charcoal

Sketchbook: Working with Lines