Sunday, May 31, 2020

Fashionable Face-Wear For The COVID Apocolypse!

Ridiculous rules about cloth masks to protect against COVID-19 call for ridiculous masks.  Here is my answer...

I'm using 2mm craft foam for most of it.  Considering that COVID is smaller than the weave of the fabric in masks, this should be at least as good if not better.  Let's put this in perspective:  a cloth mask is (depending on which laboratory study) about 2%-40% (better than 1::2) effective at best at keeping out Corona.  So if you go into a hot zone, you have worse odds of not "catching the bullet" than if you were playing Russian roulette (1::6).  That may not be such a problem though, since 9 out of 10 who died of it are elderly, and have weakened immune systems, and over 80% have two or more co-morbidities sickening them already.

Be that as it may, I'm going to have a mask that exceeds a cloth mask in protection.  And it will look cooler too!

Added bonus: I will have eye protection too!  Because, you don't want la Corona in the eye!

Looks much better with a couple or three base coats.  Thanks, Plastidip!

And here it is with painting!  Looks much better.  I didn't want the large traditional canister filter, so I made my own design.  Could have been smoother and cleaner, but the whole thing is a little rough.  Not that that is a bad thing... makes it look well worn I guess.

Here I am wearing it in the car.  I DON'T suggest driving with it though, as the visibility is really poor.  No peripheral vision, and less than full vision to the front as well.  It is remarkably light weight though, and comfortable to wear.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

So What's the Deal With This?

I decided to start putting some of the work that I have done outside of game design and writing up also. 

I have mixed feelings about most of it. 

A good bit of it is quite old work, and I have learned a bit since then, as well as changed my stylistic preferences in how I do illustration. 

I also have begun doing more sculptural work in recent times, so that is a process that is continuing to evolve.

I wish I had taken a lot more pix of the dragon skull... but I did not.  I don't have any final pictures.  It had a fully functional jaw.  I don't have it anymore, but it is a wearable piece big enough to eat a child.

Anyway, it is all kind of a dump.  Maybe I will go back to elaborate on individual pictures later... maybe not.

Costume Design: Taming of the Shrew 3

Costume Designs: Taming of the Shrew 2

Costume Designs: Taming of the Shrew

Giant Hands

The Sorn